
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Webkinz room loading problems, part III: Talk of a lawsuit?

It's the new year, and Webkinz World is still limping along. There is a ray of good news, though: Nancylynn, One of the commenters on an earlier post, noticed that at least a one new Webkinz account holder can get some satisfaction:
We still cannot get into my little girls room. She got two Webkinz for Christmas, and she has gotten over 6000 kinz cash. She wants to decorate her room so bad. :( I sent the useless email to customer support and got an auto-response that they would email me in 1-3 business days, unless it takes longer. No really, that is what it said.

Today I gave up and bought a new webkinz and tried to register it under a completely new account.

All is well and the rooms and everything works fine.

I hope I will hear back from the precious folks so that I can still use my other account. We have spent HOURS playing, and I spent HOURS on the useless CS pages.

I read something that if you buy pets within 30 days, and register them under different accounts, you can "merge" them via Customer Service, but you lose all from the account you are closing. Great.
As Nancylynn wrote, that's not much consolation for existing account holders, but at least a few new customers and older customers opening new accounts can get some satisfaction. Note, however, that another commenter who is a completely new customer has not been able to completely use their new Webkinz account. So please don't assume buying a new Webkinz and opening a new account will work for you.

There's more bad news, too. She and other commenters say that attempts to get a real response from Ganz customer support have so far been unsuccessful. Another anonymous commenter claimed yesterday that virtual items are disappearing from his or her child's account. This person and several others have suggested suing Ganz ... and I see in my blog traffic logs that people are interested in finding out information about a Webkinz-related lawsuit:
NumPerc.Search Term
612.77%virtually jenna
612.77%webkinz problems
36.38%webkinz room logged out
36.38%webkinz, technical, room
24.26%problems with webkinz world
24.26%webkinz room issues
24.26%i promise ui
24.26%webkinz support
12.13%problem loading room in webkinz
12.13%webkinz room problem
12.13%webkinz wor;ld
12.13%ganz customer support
12.13%webkinz world
12.13%webkinz world log in
12.13%webkinz site problem
12.13%mmorpg chinese phrases
12.13%webkinz world problems
12.13%webkinz lawsuit
12.13%jenna 3d
12.13%webkinz not loading room
12.13%webkinz problem
12.13%******* cheat codes
12.13%cannot log into webkinz worl
12.13%webkinz loading room
12.13%webkins, unable to get in
12.13%webkinz not working
12.13%webkinz room problems
12.13%webkinz loading furniture stalls
12.13%webkinz world/ my room

This is not Ganz' first experience with lawsuits. Less than a month ago officials in Vermont filed a fraud lawsuit against Ganz for allegedly selling jewelry with high amounts of lead.

As for the blog traffic logs, this data reflects the most recent batch of visitors to I, Lamont driven by search engines, especially Google. I've been writing about virtual worlds and other 3D technologies for years on this blog, but the continuing Webkinz World crisis is shaping up to be the hottest topic by far.


  1. My daughter has not been able to access her room and we have the same problems as the first post. My daughters friend also cannot access her room. My daughter with the problem created her account on on 12-26 my other daughter who I created her account days later is fine. No response yet. They better make this up to her! We are very busy and this break was the only time she really had to play with it. Now what???

  2. Same here. Had just about enough of dealing w/ this. Then Webkinz has a CS page for the CANT GET INTO MY ROOM issue but you have to leave an email address. Well they didnt make the text box's character count big enough to hold my email. Pretty lame. Wife is going to try and exchange for another cat and see if that one works.

  3. even if you get your email in, they still have yet to respond ...6 days and waiting... I'm not optimistic that they will respond. I even called them. Still no resonse...

  4. Webkinz posted comments re: "Recent Technical Issues" under their "Bulletinz" link.

  5. Thanks for the alert, anon. I've created a new update here: Webkinz problems, part IV: Ganz finally responds

  6. Sign me up for the lawsuit. I bought and paid for a Service which, through their own negligence, they have been unable to provide for more than 7 days. Someone should pay - and I don't mean in KinzCash!

  7. My 7 year old daughter got her 1st Webkinz for Christmas -- her favorite present, so she says. She tried to log in every 15 minutes for 8 1/2 hours and kept getting kicked off. Finally after 3 days and the patience that a child shouldn't have to practice, she got on, only not to be able to get into her room. A week + later, she still gets booted off when she tries to load her room! I've tried to e-mail Ganz using their form and it won't accept our e-mail address, so I don't know what to do now.

    Any ideas?

  8. My two boys received there first Webkinz for Christmas. My seven year old had his first and everything works on his account. On the 26th my 11 year started his account and he is unable to log into his room - he gets logged out. He keeps trying hoping it will work, but no luck. Can anyone help me!

  9. I agree that a lawsuit should be started if Ganz is not responding by the end of the month. I gave many Webkinz as Christmas gifts, including charms and trading cards. When the kinz cash and virtual gifts disappear, Ganz is not just taking cyber money, but real cash from millions of customers. I have a few more Webkins that I had purchased for birthday gifts which I will be returning as it is not worth the aggrevation. I just heard that TY is coming out with similar pets with a scratch off code. I hope they have better customer service!!!

  10. I am in the same situation and so disappointed as well as my daughter is. I really just want it to work for her. I have tried numerous times to contact the company without any luck and have given up. I just wish she had her room.

  11. Go to, Customer Support and then to "I keep getting Error Message". There is a spot to enter your information under "I CANNOT LOAD MY ROOM". I am not sure if anything will be done but I hadn't noticed it before today. I entered my info and got a canned response that I will have a customer service response in 1-3 days. I hope this works and can help others!

  12. my cousin is trying and trying to put stuff in his room and he wants to buy a garden but his room will not load we have called our cousin cause she mentioned that you could get help and get 60 kinzcash or something

  13. My daughter now has 7 of these things, all bought as birthday/xmas gifts over the past year or so. When she logged the most recent two in today and that seems to have caused her to lose four other rooms! We had about an hour of tears - these kids really work hard to earn the points and it sucks to lose it so quickly.

    Even if this problem does get fixed, after reading about all of these problems I am pretty sure we are never buying any more of these things!

  14. My 7 year old son has a Webkinz black lab. He had 8 rooms. All but two have disappeared. I feel so bad for him because he put so much time, thought, energy and effort into creating those rooms, not to mention all of the things from his dock that he put into those rooms which are now non-existant. Many people have had trouble with the webite yet don't seem to have any success getting assistance from Customer Support. I think we should boycott Webkinz- if no one ever buys another one, the owner of that company won't get any richer and won't be able to take advantage of innocent cnildren nor the parents who spend the money on these toys. Either that or Ganz should start a toll free customer service line and actually help customers with their website issues. They should do the right thing... not what they are doing.

  15. My 7 year old son has a Webkinz black lab. He had 8 rooms. All but two have disappeared. I feel so bad for him because he put so much time, thought, energy and effort into creating those rooms, not to mention all of the things from his dock that he put into those rooms which are now non-existant. Many people have had trouble with the webite yet don't seem to have any success getting assistance from Customer Support. I think we should boycott Webkinz- if no one ever buys another one, the owner of that company won't get any richer and won't be able to take advantage of innocent cnildren nor the parents who spend the money on these toys. Either that or Ganz should start a toll free customer service line and actually help customers with their website issues. They should do the right thing... not what they are doing.

  16. My daughter has over 20 Webkinz in her 2 accounts with over $25,000 cash in each. She received 2 more for Christmas but we are unable to login to either account since we started trying around December 27th. These were Santa gifts and she is extremely upset about this. In order to email Ganz about the problem it requires me to login which we are unable to do so we have no way of notifying them or having them attempt a fix. This is very frustrating and these will be the last Webkinz she buys.

  17. My daughter has received two Webkinz for Christmas. We are still unable to start a new account! To top it off, unless you are a user with an account you can't contact customer service. Although it looks lik from this blog, that even if I could reach someone there that it would be of no help. Please let us know of any legal action so we may be able to participate also. Almost a month trying to start an account and we are still unable to use the website is absolutely ridiculous! Are you kidding me? And it is very disappointing to my 7 year old child who can not understand why mommy can't create her account yet!!!!!

  18. I think if you miss speel a name u sould be abal to chang it so it is speeld right.I did that onnacsident i seeld it right but it saved it wrong and now i dont like its name.IT is absolutly STUPID that when you are makeing a webkinz that you cant go bake and fix any thing you speeled wrong.

  19. My daughter &son are having problems as well. Both are missing all of thier items all of the Kinzcash. When I emailed Webkinz they never email me back. Last week my children went on and another Webkin started using obsene language. We have changed the kids passwords several times, like Webkinz tell us to do, only to have the same thing happen. But the straw that broke the camels back was my daughters best friend was on her Webkinz and saw that my daughter was logged on. She called my daughter only to find out my daughter was not logged on. We changed her password again only to have whoever it is change the password. The secruity on Webkinz is a joke and I will noever purchase them again.

    Computer PIII 750mh 256ram Windows ME;uninstalled flash 9.0 Download Opera browser, lauch Opera. Ran Webkinz login, no flashplayer, click to get, select flashplayer 8.0. Alls well. Worked for me.

  21. I'm having trouble with my my daughters room on webkinz world. We have tried it many times. She is really sad cause she just got a webkinz today for her birthday and she can't see what she got cause you have to go to your room for that...If there is anything you can do please place a commet saying something about this so i know.

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  24. I'd like to respond to all of the people who are still having trouble with their Webkinz.

    First, my apologies for not responding sooner. I just changed jobs to a high-pressure position, and only recently has my personal life returned to some semblance of normality.

    Second, I would like to say that after listening to all of your complaints and pleas for help, and watching my own daughter become more and more attached to this game, I can't wonder if our desperation to get the game back in working order isn't somewhat misplaced.

    So, here's my advice: If you have tried the various tips offered by me and the many commenters on these pages, and your Webkinz is still not working, my advice is to forget about it. It's tough for the kids who have put so much into it, and for you, after spending money on the toys and gifts, but it's just not worth getting angrier and angrier at a company which is clearly unable and/or unwilling to help. The lawsuit will benefit no one, except for a bunch of class-action lawyers.

    There are other toys and creative options for your children. And I know this seems like a radical suggestion, but maybe it might be fun to take some time away from glowing screens and instead spend a few hours playing with them in the real world. Get out the board games, soccer ball, and drawing pads, and have some fun with them. Talk with them while you play, and listen to what they have to say. They may not like to be pulled away from the computer at first, but your attention means a lot to them, and the more you interact with them, the higher all of your "heart" settings will become.

    There will be plenty of video games to play with later on, but the time you can spend with son and daughter at this age can't ever be replaced.


    Ian (author of this blog)

  25. sign me up for a law suit you buy all these animals then they shut down some thing has to be done it keep alot of children out of trouble and also adults why didn't they tell us this was going to happen?

  26. My 6 year old had a webkins but for some reason i can not get back on the site. I click on it and it said that its done and the screen is blank. I have high speed so i know it is not my computer. I don't know what else to do. My son is very upset. he wants to feed his pet. he thinks it's going to die if it doesn't eat. what can i do to get it back.

  27. Sign me up for a lawsuit too. I can't access my account and have had no success contacting the powers that be at webinz (Ganz). I think we should start a boycott of webinz and put them out of business.

  28. the same thing happened to me i got a webkinz pig for easter and it locked me out of my house i was planning to get a garden and different things with my 2000 kinz cash. i got a another webkinz and when i tried to log in a new acount it won't work. I practically in tears because i was so excited to get 2 new webkinz i don't know what to do...

  29. I have never been so highly frustrated in my life, we couldn't get into my son's room for days and we worked on my computer. Now we can get in the room but we get kicked out every 2 minutes! Can we say where's the lawsuit papers, get me a pen...

  30. listen bud your webbsite soucs with all kinds of things with loading with staying on what you did and what you did not do so I would like you to fix all these problems and make them not happen again
    Melanie Franklin

  31. I have a webkins I use to add humor and inspiration to my Science classroom. I did not visit it and now it is expired. As a result, 55 of my students are now boycotting Webkins!

  32. My webkins expired and I am so sad that my dear Bill is gone forever!!!!!!!!!!!
    cry cry cry

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  36. today webkinz crashed my new laptop and now I am

  37. I heard that your acount on webkinz 2 years after you get one if that helps anyone!

  38. I recommended Webkinz to my cousin because my grandson and I really enjoy it and have not had any problems with it, that were not solved. However, my cousin has purchased almost 50 Webkinz pets in the past month and has had nothing but problems. She opened an account in the e-Store and purchased $20 worth of points. She spent 8,000 points and now she can't log on to use the other 12,000 points. They keep telling her her account does not exist. She has called them and they verified they had received her money, and her e-mail address is correct but her password is incorrect (which they gave her to begin with) and they are saying she can't change her password. So at this point, she is just out of luck. They will be sorry. She works for the State Attorney's office in the Consumer Fraud Division in her state and she plans to take legal action. She even thought the problem was with her computer so she bought a new one, but nothing has changed. What a rip-off.

  39. She needs to get the secret code, and change the password.

  40. I've had problems too. I just bought a canary, and I can't load my garden. I can go the clubhouse, and everything is fine. She purchased over 50 webkinz! You can't not expect problems! From any site.

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