
Saturday, January 05, 2008

Webkinz watch, part VII: No end in sight to room problems

I wish I had some good news to report to everyone, but unfortunately there's almost no changes in the performance of the Webkinz World site.

Well, actually, there's one. My daughter got this error dialog when trying to get in to her room last night:

We haven't seen this error message before -- usually you just see the frozen chair, as shown here. However, I was unable to duplicate the new error message this morning -- I just got the frozen chair.

Still, for some failed room attempts, the developers have programmed an explanation to appear, in an attempt to demystify what is going on. Does it make customers feel much better? Judging by the stream of angry comments that continue to be posted to my blog, I'd say the answer is a resounding "no." A lot of people are very upset, and they want Ganz to pay, as this commenter said this morning:
I agree that a lawsuit should be started if Ganz is not responding by the end of the month. I gave many Webkinz as Christmas gifts, including charms and trading cards. When the kinz cash and virtual gifts disappear, Ganz is not just taking cyber money, but real cash from millions of customers. I have a few more Webkins that I had purchased for birthday gifts which I will be returning as it is not worth the aggrevation. I just heard that TY is coming out with similar pets with a scratch off code. I hope they have better customer service!!!
One other piece of information to pass along: In my last post about Webkinz World, I asked the group if anyone has seen any mainstream media coverage of the outage. No one responded, but I did discover that one other parent has started a blog about the Webkinz meltdown. Head on over to Webkinz, help! to vent, commiserate, or visit the links to other Webkinz fan communities.


  1. Here is the WHOIS information for GANZ.COM

    Leo Campione
    1 Pearce rd
    woodbridge, ontario l4l-3t2

    The phone number listed for WEBKINZ.COM is to the domain registrar, but the registrant name is the same.

    I tried calling this number and got a recorded message "Lines are temporarily busy...", etc. I don't know if it will help anyone, but here it is if you want to try.

  2. My Daughter and I are very upset. We have a room (ha ha) but have lost $1000 hard (and I mean hard) earned Kinzcash dollars trying to get another room. She has also been thrown out of the gem mine 4 times and lost valuable gems. She is tired of this and wants to quit. She has about decided WEBKINZ is a waste of time. I don't understand why there is never anyone to talk to or the correct questions you can ask?

  3. Thanks for the reference, Ian. Maybe we can get Ganz to upgrade their support if enough people go to, visit the Complaint Desk and leave a comment or a link back to their blog post.

    Kameron, I'll add that info to the blog.

    Keep up the good coverage, Ian.

  4. I just found a consumer advocate piece from a North Carolina TV station. The familiy's issue was resolved after the intervention.

  5. Thank you very much for providing information about Ganz. My daughter got a Webkinz for Christmas and we haven't been able to load a room yet. She is so frustrated. I have received NO help from costumer service--at least now I know not to expect any. How can a child oriented company not care anything about consistently disappointing children? At this rate, Ganz will not be successful long. We are turning to Barbie's online site for a virtual alternative.

  6. I received one of the blank emails and my daughter still cannot get into her room. It will just freeze up. They said it was fixed it is not. I am tired of this whole thing way to much money spent and you can't take the stuff back.

  7. big party sebtember 1 ask speagle to be your friend send exclusive item and get a vehicle when the party is done.

  8. I have proccured more information on Ganz preferential treatment, I met a small dalmation by the the name of Webber in a trading room with my niece. He was bewailing the fact that he didn't get much for his birthday, Oh my niece enquired, what did you get? A piece of birthday cake and a TOKEN. Most webkinz officiates eay"NO NO , NEVER. Dut I got the down low from some one in Canada who says you definately get a token for ytou pets birthday. More feed for the legal fodder machine. My niece has 65 webkinz. With all that money can they really be that cheap.The N.W.P.D.A. is on the trail. Personally thet owe me alot of TOKENS. Seee you G.J.D.


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