
Friday, March 14, 2008

More Second Life management turmoil: CEO stepping down

This is interesting. Philip Rosedale is stepping down as CEO of Linden Lab, the parent company of Second Life, according to Reuters . I have written some additional context for the Industry Standard, and you may also want to read some of my blog thoughts on Second Life from 2006 and 2007 -- there was a long period when the virtual world was the darling of the media and PR industries, but reality has since set in -- there are many apparent problems with the interface and architecture, growth has slowed, and a host of new competitors are on the horizon.

Former Linden Lab CTO Cory Ondrejka, who left the company just three months after disagreeing with Rosedale on the direction of SL development, has yet to publicly comment on the management shift at Linden Lab. I didn't see anything on Cory's blog, and he probably doesn't want to say anything in public, anyway -- he has found an interesting new gig in academia, and seems happy about moving on from corporate/startup life.

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