
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Famous BU alumni (to new media geeks like me)

I just read Boston University's alumni magazine from cover to cover, and was surprised to see two interviews with alums I am quite familiar with, but never knew attended BU: Markos Moulitsas (the founder of Daily Kos) and Neal Stephenson.

I have to admit: I don't subscribe to Daily Kos and I didn't care for Diamond Age. However, I do respect Kos for knocking down the entrenched MSM and political PR machine a few notches, and have enjoyed Stephenson's articles and essays in Wired.

Both writers have new books out, and both seem quite interesting, especially the one by Kos about the influence of Web media. I think I know what I'll be reading over the cold winter months ...

Update: A lot of people are searching for "famous BU alumni" and ending up on this page, so I am going to add three of the most influential communicators of the 20th and 21st centuries:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Bill O'Reilly
Howard Stern

As an undergrad in the 1970s, Stern worked at WTBU (the AM station that I had a show at as a freshman). King received his PhD from the School of Theology. O'Reilly got his master's degree from COM.

You should also check out the list of names on Wikipedia's page of Boston University people. There are hundreds of names on it, including authors, actors, politicians, Nobel laureates, Pulitzer recipients, Fulbright and Rhodes scholars, and many others.

1 comment:

  1. I need your email to send you a song.
    Send it to


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