
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Linden Lab HQ

Earlier this week I visited San Francisco to meet with colleagues and also to conduct some Second Life-related interviews at Linden Lab HQ. The building is located on Battery St., in a quiet neighborhood about a block or two away from the Embarcadero. The outside of the building was surprisingly old and low-key -- I was expecting something more modern, kind of like one of the corporate sims you sometimes see in SL. The inside was contemporary, though. I saw that whiteboard that I've heard other people talk about, but I didn't recognize any of the names.

I'll write up the interviews next week on, but in the meantime, here are the photos:

Linden Lab HQ

Linden Lab HQ

I am licensing these photos under Creative Commons 3.0, which basically means you are free to copy them, place them on your own website, use them for commercial purposes, and adapt them, as long as you attribute them to Ian Lamont and link back to this post on

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