
Tuesday, June 01, 2010

MIT Sloan EMBA: It's official

(Update at bottom of post) I heard about this during April orientation, but now it's official: MIT is launching an executive MBA program. The part-time MIT Sloan EMBA lasts 20 months, and is starting small, with just 60 people in the first cohort, which is scheduled to arrive in just four months' time. The tuition: $120,000.

A program website is up and running now. The press release has more details. There's a reference to EMBA networking activities with the full-time Sloan Fellows program (which I am starting this month), but we haven't been told anything else about it.

Who will sign up for the Sloan EMBA?

I predict the MIT EMBA will draw a huge amount of interest, particularly among mid-career students who are searching for a part-time business degree with strong technology and quantitative connections. It's also worth noting that in the Boston area there are several well-regarded EMBA programs at Boston University, Babson, and elsewhere. But until now the two highest-profile business schools -- MIT Sloan and the Harvard Business School -- have not offered part-time degrees. The launch of the Sloan EMBA will surely change the local dynamic.

UPDATE: Just before the first batch of MIT EMBA students came to campus, I was able to interview the director of the program to learn more about the Sloan EMBA cohort and the program requirements. My reactions to the Sloan EMBA program and how it's different than the full-time Sloan Fellows MBA program were described in this new blog post.

For more insights into the full-time Sloan Fellows program (not the Sloan MBA for Executives), please read the following posts:

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