
Monday, October 18, 2010

A robot opera?

Learning about a robot opera was the highlight of a second trip to the MIT Media Lab (see the other robot videos and interviews I shot on the first trip in the link at the bottom of the page). During my visit, I talked to some of the students and staff who are working on the production of "Death and the Powers," including my old friend and bandmate Bob Hsiung (pictured). In my interview with Bob, you'll get a glimpse of the storyline, as well as a close-up look technologies that powered the show, such as OLPCs running Linux and a joystick:

Here is a brief, professionally produced snippet from the opera itself:

You may also be interested in my earlier MIT Media Lab tour, which featured a stop at the Personal Robotics Group and a demo of Scratch using a plug-in lego set.

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