
Monday, March 26, 2012

Blogging for 10 years

Ten years ago today, I started my first blog. I was taking IT classes at Boston College at the time, and one of my instructors (Aaron Walsh, now a friend and advisor) told me about this new, powerful concept in online publishing called "blogging". Although he suggested using one of the nascent online blogging platforms at the time, I was getting my online career off the ground and decided to create my own blog, using hand-coded HTML and CSS. The result was this:

This early blog didn't last -- hand-coding pages and FTPing files to my personal site was too much of a pain -- but I liked the format of short observations with links and later photos. I started a Blogger blog in 2004, which I still maintain today (you are looking at it right now). I also expanded to many more locations on the Web. Since 2002, I have written thousands of posts that have appeared on,, Computerworld, The Industry Standard (no longer online), Harvard Extended, Ipso Facto, Terra Nova, and MIT.

What will the next 10 years bring? Surely a lot more, as content creation moves into the mobile sphere and new ways of gathering and presenting content appear on the scene. It's been a ton of fun, and I can't wait to see what happens next ...

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